
Thursday, November 17, 2016

Why I love EMDR

New studies are reveling that during trauma, we can be so confused by it all that we use our right brain more, the side for memory, dreams, etc because our analytical left brain just can't make sense of it..
We end up storing the memory with wrong interpretations (like we're not good enough and that's why we're having the trauma happen to us) in our right brain..
This also skews with the fight/flight/freeze of our amygdala which interprets anything that resembles the original trauma, as if it's dangerous.. So a certain shaped room can trigger our amygdala's freak response instead of allowing our left brain to interpret things correctly,,, thus, things like PTSD and anxiety disorders..
This is my favorite, just watch the balloon on a large screen..
EMDR works both sides of the brain, which jiggles loose our old files/memories back into the left brain again, to be processed.. and resolved..
This vid has a person doing the EMDR....
That's also why we need support and people to talk things out with when working with this..

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