Why does a narc push our buttons?
................ because they installed them..
Word salad is the narc starting a conversation on one subject, jumping
around to different subjects and then out of the blue, going back to the
first subject 20 minutes later but not saying it clear enough for you to make the connection.
Word salad is also when the narc says one thing and 10 minutes later they claim they never said it..
or they tell you that you misunderstood them,,
or they say they didn't mean it "that way",,
or they just totally change the subject so often, you have absolutely no idea what they're talking about anymore,,
or they just drop out of the conversation and you're left wondering what happened,,
or they start starring off into nothing while you're talking but act like they've been listening if you ask if they're with you in the conversation anymore,,
It can also include them claiming you said something when you know full well that you never said it..
Word salad is a narc's brainwashing technique to get their target into the practice of second guessing the narc and themselves.
It's a win in the narc's mind and it's their proof that they have control over the conversation and another person..
The main symptom you'll go through if you're being gaslight-ed with word salad is confusion..
The trick to seeing it clearly is to start a diary of when you're getting confused by the narc's words and/or behavior
and within a week, you will be fully awake and totally aware of every time the narc tried to gaslight you with word salad from then on..
I never doubted myself again after just a couple of entries..
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