
Tuesday, May 24, 2016

The Trap of Victim Blaming

This is a comment to someone claiming that all victims have low self worth..
d'oh,, you talk about the conditioning that happens under the manipulation of a well practiced expert controller and the reality that no one wants to be abused, and then blame the victim who's resiliency against the abuse is better/stronger than an average person's.. Personally, I think the measurements for self-worth are screwy.. and it's assumed that because modern mental health professionals demand victims be stupid people,, and few treatments for victimization allow for intelligence in the person seeking help.. We live in a world where, when people like Ross Rosenberg (a self-proclaimed co-dependent) step forward and blame the victim on top of the helpful stuff they say, the therapy community jumps up and joins in instead of digging deeper to see that self-worth has nothing to do with the hostage situation that so many abusers create.. That the treatment itself becomes secondary victimization..
And add in things like tonic immobility if any type of battery has happened and instead of recognizing that self worth has nothing to do with the trauma that the brain just went through, therapy ignores the trauma and says "Oh, it's because the victim has low self-worth.".... Baloney..

And don't forget, the more a victim rejects the idea of low self worth, the more they are labeled with some pill fixen malady..

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