both are symptoms of abuse..
If you don't like the pain, I guarantee you won't like the revenge hangover (which can show up years later, long after our head clears)
Overthinking is a "condition" of thoughts repeating over and over again with no stimulation or creativity to find new options and opportunities for new thoughts..
The same part of the brain that obsesses without resolution, is the same part of the brain used for creativity,, it can't do both at the same time...
SOOOO, start doing creative things,, even puzzles can help take your mind off an obsession,,
maybe find a fun coloring book, grab some crayons and a friend and color for awhile each day to break up the obsession..

It takes work and commitment to change our mind....
,,,,,, and resentment is a consequence of unresolved anger and sitting in our pain and stress for too long..
When faced with revenge thoughts, take a breath and remember that you are more important than the pain of another person.. and it's time to forgive yourself for your betrayal by believing lies.. Yes, they lied.. move on.. direct your focus on what you have right now, after the loss..
Find gratitude for who you are; a love-able person with the ability to grow and change..
(who happens to be very angry, and that's ok because it's only temporary)